远程医疗 and Its Impact on Healthcare Administrators 远程医疗 is affecting patients and healthcare providers in a major way.
远程医疗 and Its Impact on Healthcare Administrators

远程医疗, 或远程医疗, 现代医疗保健方法是否使用远程通信来提供医疗咨询和服务. 大家可以想象, 在舒适的家中就能接受专业的医疗保健服务,而无需走进候诊室,这种能力正变得越来越受欢迎. 方便, 可访问性, and cost effectiveness has made telehealth an essential 太l in patient care. 那么,这个趋势是什么 telehealth services mean for healthcare administrators 在行业中? 让我们来探讨.

Impact of 远程医疗 on 医疗管理

远程医疗凭一己之力改善了许多患者获得医疗保健的机会, particularly those in rural areas or in need of preventative care. It is transforming the way healthcare is delivered and managed, ideally leading to improved efficiency, 降低成本, 以及更好的病人护理效果.

现在, healthcare administrators can manage healthcare operations remotely, 同时加强整个医疗保健网络的沟通和协作.


远程医疗 eases the burdens of healthcare administrators. 实时数据包括患者问题、结果、治疗结果和资源分配. Instead of manually tracking resources and analyzing 治疗 data, 医疗保健管理员只需查看包含所需所有信息的自动生成的报告. 这使医疗保健管理员能够就资源分配做出明智的决策, 进一步改善患者预后.


除了患者可以远程安排和接受护理这一显而易见的事实之外,远程医疗还可以很容易地为患者设置预约的自动提醒. 这样可以减少错过约会、浪费时间和重新安排电话的可能性.

Integration with Electronic Health Records (EHRs)

使用技术来安排和执行医疗保健访问有利于维护电子健康记录(EHRs)。. 通过集成系统并启用安全消息传递和文件共享功能, 远程医疗实时数据自动导入到患者的记录中, saving time and reducing the margin of human error.


In addition to streamlining EHRs for healthcare administrators, 远程医疗也将记录放在病人手中,或者至少在他们的浏览器中. 这使得患者可以在闲暇时直接访问自己的医疗记录.

Thanks to the capabilities for real-time communication with telehealth, 病人也可以提问, 接受建议, 远程获取更新. 总之,这些东西减少了等待时间,改善了医疗机构的护理协调.

Improved Efficiency in Healthcare Delivery

Increasing patient access to healthcare services, 减少等待时间和成本, 提高医疗服务的效率和病人的治疗效果——这些只是其中的几个 impacts of telehealth on healthcare administration. 准备好了吗??

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有许多技术进步使得随时监测病人的病情变得容易得多, 他们不需要预约,也不需要去繁忙的医生办公室.

  • 可穿戴 & 家庭监控设备: Smartwatches, 健身追踪器, and medical sensors can measure vital signs like heart rate, 血压, 血糖水平. There are also dedicated medical devices such as pulse oximeters. 所有这些都可以跟踪、测量、监控和报告有关患者健康状况的信息.
  • 移动应用程序: There’s an app for just about everything these days! Patients use apps to track whether they are taking their medication, 出现医疗症状, 饮食和营养的影响, 还有更多. There are even apps for tracking mental health conditions, helpful for those with mood disorders and more.
  • 视频会议: 尤其对偏远地区或出行困难的患者有益, 视频会议是一种很棒的新型医疗保健工具,它允许提供者通过Wi-Fi从任何地方观察和评估患者的进展.


除了电子病历访问, 增强沟通, 简化流程, 降低成本, telehealth can increase patient education. The telehealth platform has the capability to provide educational resources, 自我管理工具, and more; helping patients take a more active role in their 治疗. This can also result in more personalized care, tailored to the patient.

减少旷课 & 取消

It’s much harder to miss a remote appointment! 只要有互联网接入,病人就应该能够登录并讨论他们的治疗. This reduces the number of no-shows and cancellations, 这有助于医疗机构(和管理人员)保持组织和效率.


With so many positive improvements due to the advent and rise of telehealth, it goes without saying that patient outcomes improve, 太! 设施运行效率越高, 患者得到的更好的护理质量——所有这一切都归功于医疗保健管理人员利用了最新的技术.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations: HIPAA Compliance and Patient 隐私

因为它涉及到使用电子通信来传输和存储病人的机密信息, 使用远程医疗的医疗保健管理员必须非常小心,以确保 遵守HIPAA 以及所有其他规定. 医疗保健管理员可以采取以下几个步骤来保持合规性:

  • 安全通信: 专业医疗机构使用的任何远程医疗平台都必须使用安全加密,这一点至关重要. This helps protect confidential medical records.
  • 病人同意: 在发送有关患者健康信息的任何电子通信之前, 病人必须表示同意.
  • 身份验证 & 授权: Along with methods like 2-factor authentication, it is critical that only authorized staff members have access to EHRs.
  • 数据存储: Stored data must be encrypted and password protected, another of many measures taken to prevent unauthorized access.
  • 培训 & 政策: Healthcare staff must be trained in HIPAA regulations, the facility’s policies and procedures, 病人隐私法.

尽管远程医疗对患者和医疗保健管理人员来说是一个惊人的进步, 这需要医疗保健管理人员进行广泛而细致的工作,以确保患者及其数据的安全, 安全, 和保护.

Challenges and Opportunities for 医疗管理

远程医疗 obviously represents a major shift in the healthcare industry. 与一个ny big shift comes new challenges, 这些问题将被医疗保健的英雄们所面对和克服:管理者.


必须对所有设施工作人员进行远程保健技术和流程使用方面的培训和教育. 员工必须了解如何使用这些接口,以及如何确保患者数据的安全和保密.

Technological Infrastructure and Support

To properly utilize the advantages of telehealth, 医疗机构必须保持健壮的互联网连接和技术基础设施. There may be additional equipment needed for video conferencing. It is important that the facility invests in all equipment required, for the use of telehealth to be successful.


这是政府的责任 healthcare facility and its administrators to ensure that patients are comfortable with remote healthcare. To assist in patient understanding and eventual acceptance, some facilities are providing educational resources regarding the topic.

Embracing 远程医疗 in 医疗管理

远程医疗对医疗保健管理的影响显然是巨大的,而且其功能仍在探索中! 这项技术开辟了新的可能性,并将在未来几年继续这样做. 随着远程医疗的不断发展和改善,你会站在医疗管理的第一线吗?

Are You Ready for 医疗管理?

If you’re interested in the rise of telehealth, consider earning a degree in healthcare administration. 在这一领域工作的敬业的专业人员努力改善患者获得护理的机会, 治疗, 和结果. 与一个 bachelor of science in healthcare administration十大正规网堵平台的加速实践课程中,你可以成为这些医疗保健英雄之一. 它可能是 你做过的最好的决定! 

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